Micro adventure wild camping on the beach.
Wild camping on the beach it is then (we said at 4:00 on a night shift.
I always say try to fit work around my life and not the other way around.
I work a shift pattern which is different to friends that enjoy the same interests.
It is rare that we get the time to catch up and head out for a micro adventure.
Micro adventure wild camping the beach / Camping on the cliff!

This night was one of those rare occasions when the planets where inline and we could do a Micro adventure wild camping the beach.
So a late start we got the beach around 19:00 with a few dog walkers still about we assessed the area to find there was a bit of ground swell and the tide had been nearly up to the cliff so sleeping on the beach was a no go.
A little while later we had found a space within the bracken that we could setup our tents and get stuck into our micro adventure wild camping on a beach.
I had planned to hammock camp but brought a sleep mat on the off chance.

I would be able to hang so used my 3×3 tarp to make a shelter to sleep in.
This setup is really versatile but does leave the opening at the front open to the weather.
I had thought about this the other day and quickly had a go at developing a door using my poncho which worked really well so I am happy to use this setup whilst walking the lakes later in the year.
I thought I would take this opportunity to try a product I was sent from a company in Sweden called Sjö och Hav that produces eco friendly products such as mosquito repellent, soaps and shampoos.
These are perfect for use in an outdoor environment actually in any environment as they are all biodegradable.
The mosquito repellent was nice smelling, not oily like some of the ones with a high percentage of deet and felt really refreshing to put on.
That’s all ok but the main thing is do they stop those devil worshiping blood sucking, tiny, flying insects.
I always get bitten, nothing has really stopped me getting bitten but that night I was bite free.
Considering I was sleeping in an open shelter I think it done a great job.
So hats of to Sjö och Hav tack så myket it works!
Their items can brought online although website is in Swedish it can be translated through Google.

Sandy Steak!
With shelters setup our Micro adventure wild camping on a beach was in full flow, it was time for a beer and get a fire built.
Using a traditional flint and steel striker, charcloth and birch bark it wasn’t long before the steaks where on the go (apart from mine that got dropped in the sand).
I can deal with a bit of grit but pebbles are a different story.
Fed and watered well the beers start flowing we are discussing lightweight options and realise that the weight we where carrying was down to the amount of beer we where carrying.
About midnight we hit the hay and I was very comfy on my Expedition downlite.
Next Morning.

At about 04:00 I woke up and looked out the shelter to see someone walking along the beach.
I thought he’s keen, got up for a wee and realised it was my Kiwi counterpart so I decided time to get up.
It was an amazing sunrise, the fire didn’t need relighting just a helpful push to reignite and coffee was on and then the bacon.

Once we where fed I had a quick dip in the sea and started to pack up.
The only downfall with using a tarp like this for shelter is the fact that it condensates dramatically as there is little top ventilation.
Which has me thinking do I need a tarp tent?
But then that’s more kit! The idea is to carry the correct kit to be able to hammock camp and floor camp if needed. I had taken under blanket and quilt for hammock so slept in them.
Ideal setup would be…
- Hammock
- Sleeping bag
- Sleep mat
- Light weight Tarp
With this setup I can cover both tree dwelling and floor dwelling if the need arises but having to put up with a wet tarp in the morning.
By 07:00 we where packed up and heading back before people started walking along the beach.
It is such a shame that we have to resort to stealth camping in the UK we left no mess, looked like we hadn’t been there at all and took what we brought in but this is how it is.
If you like your micro adventures then try this Micro adventure wild camping on a beach
Looks like a great night