Packrafting In Glaskogen, Sweden. I had visited Glaskogen briefly when we where travelling through the area heading to Varmland for a Timber rafting expedition and thought I really need to come back. After all the time putting it off due to Covid and plenty of time spent planning the trip, finally we where there! If…
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MRS Microraft Packraft Review.
The MRS Microraft has been supplied by Paqualife who are the U.K’s distributor for their products. MRS Packrafts MRS packrafts are based in Longquanyi, Chengdu city, Sichuan Province, China. Please don’t think that there packrafts are like some of these cheap Chinese packrafts, they are not. MRS have a dedicated factory specifically for building only their…
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A short hiking Trip to Tyresta.
Finally i’ve gotten around to booking myself a short hiking trip to Tyresta. It will be a short hiking trip to Tyresta National Park which is just south of Stockholm. It will be solo which I haven’t done for a while. The Tyresta National Park and Nature Reserve extends over almost 5,000 hectares. It has…
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Fjallraven Polar Surströmming Challenge. The time had come to get this challenge done. I know i said if I won I would do it but as votes have been quite stagnant I needed to do something to try and push the votes up. On another note. This whole application process is hard and takes all…
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Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 5.
Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 5. So after polishing of the Rum and a couple a cans of 3.5% beer I slept really well. I woke around 05:30 and opened the tent to the heavy sound of the river behind us and a very windy / grey day. Today would be our final day…
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Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 4.
Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 4. What a good decision it was to stop earlier the day before and setup just below Tjätkja Stugan along the Kungsleden Trail. We woke to beautiful weather with a amazing view looking down the valley towards Alesjaure. Breakfast for myself was Easy Eggs and for Jared it was…
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Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 3.
Nikkaloukta to Abisko Trek June 2019 Day 3. Nikkaloukta to Abisko Trek June 2019 Day 3. After a night of sleeping in a furnace as my counterpart decided to light the wood stove next to my bunk we woke to a pleasant morning at Sälka. That would allow us to reach the snow covered Tjätkja…
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Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 2.
Nikkaloukta to Abisko Trek June 2019 Day 2. I woke around 06:00 the wind had died down in the night and greeted the day with an overcast sky. First thing I thought was i’d have a look at my camera that fell over in the wind the night before. Luckily only the door had been…
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Nikkaloukta to Abisko June 2019 Day 1.
Nikkaloukta to Abisko Trek June 2019. We arrived in Kurina on the 16th of June and we where greeted with 22c of sunshine. I originally walked this route in 2017 during the Fjallraven Classic and I wanted to experience the route without the thousands of people on the trail and at a different time of…
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Out on the land by Ray Mears and Lars Fält. It’s that time of the year when the nights draw in and many people turn to the comfort of an armchair and an open fire. Even the most hardy of us who would be out in all weather find ourselves sitting indoors -brushing up on…
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