Finally i’ve gotten around to booking myself a short hiking trip to Tyresta.
It will be a short hiking trip to Tyresta National Park which is just south of Stockholm. It will be solo which I haven’t done for a while.

The Tyresta National Park and Nature Reserve extends over almost 5,000 hectares.
It has been protected to preserve and safeguard its importance .
You can find primeval forest here with pine trees that are 400 years old, clear forest lakes and a large number of unusual plants and animals.
A typical feature of primeval woodland is the great number of plant and animal species.
Up to 8.000 species of animals can be found here which is four times as many as in exploited forests!
Many species are also completely dependent on primeval woodland for their habitats.
The Fire

In August 1999, around 4.5 square kilometres of forest (ten per cent of the national park and nature reserve) burnt down.
It was over one and a half weeks before fire fighters brought the fire under control and it was even longer before it was completely extinguished.
The fire in Tyresta National Park is a tragedy in many respects.
At the same time, fires are a natural part of the change process in primeval forests and far from disastrous from an ecological point of view. Fire creates the conditions for the natural regeneration of the forest.
Tyresta consists of a National Park and Nature Reserve and different rules apply for both.
National park regulations

- You can pick berries and edible mushrooms, but nothing else. Protected items include flowers, mosses, lichens and wood fungi.
- You are not allowed to break off twigs and branches, cut down trees, or to injure or disturb animal life.
- In any of the national parks fishing is prohibited.
- You may not make so much noise that you disturb other visitors.
- Your Dog must be leashed at all times.
- Tents, wind shelters and the like may only be set up at the designated resting areas with fireplaces that are indicated on the large map. You may stay one night in the same place, until 10:00 a.m. the next morning.
- Camps and other organized activities may be arranged at Stensjödal near Åva gård (see map), after consultation with Stiftelsen Tyrestaskogen.
- Activities involving more than 10 participants may be arranged only after consultation with Stiftelsen Tyrestaskogen. For preschool, school and university groups, the threshold for required consultation is 50 participants.
- Fires are permitted, but only in fireplaces at the resting areas marked on the large map, where firewood is provided. Occasionally, however, fires are temporarily forbidden due to dry conditions. Call ”Brandriskupplysningen” at 08-741 00 10 for current information (English is spoken). The use of metal camping stoves is permitted outside the designated resting areas, even if fires are otherwise forbidden.
- You may not ride horses or drive horse-drawn carriages in the park.
- Bicycling is not permitted, except on the forest roads to lakes Långsjön and Stensjön which are marked on the map detail below.
- Drones may not be flown at altitudes below 300 metres above ground level.
- With the exception of electric wheelchairs and scooters, motorized vehicles are not permitted in the national park.
- Signs, trail markings, etc. may not be set up without permission of the Stockholm County Administrative Board.
- Sporting activities, including trial competitions and organized training, are not permitted.
Nature reserve park regulations
- It is not permitted to dig up plants, break off twigs and branches, or cut down trees. But it is permitted to pick flowers, berries and mushrooms.
- It is not permitted to injure or disturbed animal life.
- It is not permitted to enter the bird sanctuary at Spirudden during spring and summer; see the map detail below for location.
- It is permitted to fish along the seacoast, with the exception of Åvaviken Bay. See the map detail below, which also shows where boating is not permitted. Fishing by licence is permitted in all other waters of the nature reserve, with the exception of the Åva River which is entirely off limits.
- Dogs must be leashed at all times when in the nature reserve.
- Horses may be ridden on all car roads and on designated horse trails, but not on other trails and paths.
- Bicycling is restricted in the area between Tyresta village and the national park boundary. Otherwise, it is permitted to bicycle on prepared roads and bicycle paths, but not on footpaths.
- Camps may not be set up before consulting with Stiftelsen Tyrestaskogen.
- Before organizing a competition or other organized activity involving more than 100 participants, you must first consult with Stiftelsen Tyrestaskogen. Consultation is also required before putting up signs, trail makers, orienteering control points, etc.
- Fires are permitted, but only in fireplaces at the resting areas marked on the large map, where firewood is provided. Occasionally, however, fires are temporarily forbidden due to dry conditions. Call ”Brandriskupplysningen” at 08-741 00 10 for current information (English is spoken). The use of metal camping stoves is permitted outside the designated resting areas, even if fires are otherwise forbidden.
- By the right of public access, tenting is permitted at the same place for a maximum of two days. That does not apply in Tyresta village, however. There, tenting is permitted only in a specially designated area along Barnvagnsslingan on the northeastern border of the village for a maximum of three days.
- Motorized vehicles may only be operated on prepared roads.
A short hiking Trip to Tyresta
So I have booked flight from London Stansted which wasn’t to expensive, car and have 3 .5 days to explore the area. It’s only a short hiking Trip to Tyresta but it will be good to visit a different area.
With no real set plan yet i’m planning to hammock camp with similar gear I used in the Lake District around the national park and nature reserve.
I will create a gear list video when it get closer to the trip.
If anyone has visited please let me know of some spots worth visiting.