Can’t remember where I saw these stoves advertised I think it was on the bushcraft uk forum but I thought ‘got to have me one of those’.
At the time they where retailing at about £80 and with some Christmas money a week later there was a cardboard box at my front door.
First meal on the frontier stove was a pork joint given by a local farmer that was slowly cooked all day in a local orange wheat beer by Greenjack Brewery.
I roughly cut vegetables and put them in the Dutch oven for the last 2 hours and I must say it was fantastic.
I really enjoy using the frontier stove with a Dutch oven as the heat can be controlled and coals can be placed on top to heat the food inside from above as well.
There’s nothing like slow cooked lamb in a Dutch oven served with couscous or veg.
The added advantage to the frontier stove is the lots of different add ins you can get for it like a flashing kit to install into tent / shed, spark arrestor or the water jacket.
Now when I brought the water jacket it was around £80 so quite expensive but I must say what a great bit of kit.
Basically the water jacket is stainless steel that fits and clips around the flue so you can heat water then once it’s boiled you can turn the jacket to the back of the stove so it frees up cooking space and keeps the water hot by using the wastes heat which is radiated to the flue.
Great bit of kit as you always have hot water.
There is a great little add on which is the metal rod on the side of the stove which is brilliant for drying clothes or tea towels.
So many times people have stopped and commented on this stove. We where stopped once and the photos where put in a camping magazine.