What I carry on a 3 to 4 day Hike. Some people have asked and I think its good to share experiences of Obviously there’s a lot depending on what you carry, things like weather, terrain, drinking water and if the dog is with me or not.

I think it is a really good idea first to write down what you want to take and then slow remove items and items you have forgotten about.
This also gives you the opportunity just to see how much you want to take.
I have a habit of thinking “If you haven’t got it you can’t use it” and sometimes I need pulling back to reality. Ok, you need to be safe i.e. correct amount and type of clothing, correct sleeping bag, waterproofs, 1st aid but you really don’t need to take all of your gear you own.
Why has what I carry changed?
After completing the Fjallraven Classic in Sweden I soon realised that I was taking way to much kit with me. I had 3 / 4 changes of clothes, waterproofs, then a poncho in case it was bad and loads of other items I really didn’t need. If you look at my original packing list for that trip it has really differed compared to what I packed for the same length of time in the Lake District last summer. There where differences in what I took but there always will be.
As time progresses kit will change (much to my wife disagreement). You realise that the bag you brought 2nd hand really isn’t suitable and by spending a little money you can bring the weight of that bag down as well.
I like to think of myself as lightweight but I also like to be comfortable and have a few items for this that isn’t really necessary. The less you carry the easier it will be on your back, knees and ankles.
Once you have your list layout all of your gear and in your book mark of what you have got and mark what you still need to get.
Have a look at it all and ask yourself “do I really need that teddy bear?” if the answer is no then put Mr Snuggles back.
This is all personal preference so what I carry on a 3 to 4 day hike might not be what you would carry.
Important Items
Things that you really must take are:
- 1st aid kit, (it doesn’t need to be huge with massive trauma dressing, tourniquets etc but enough to deal with an emergency until help arrives.
- Method for summoning help (either phone or an emergency GPS device I use SPOT).
- Correct Clothing.
- Water Purification.
- Shelter.
- Food.
- Cooker / Water heating.
What I carry on a 3 to 4 day Hike.
Bag: Osprey Exos 48l
Sleeping Bag: 3 season down.
Tent: LanShan 1 Lightweight 3 season tent.
Sleeping Mat: EXPED Downmat Lite.
Waterproof Jacket: Fjern Orkan.
Waterproof Trousers: Rab Downpour.
Base Layer: Revolution Race Sneaky Balaclava.
Wind Layer: Fjallraven High Coast.
Trousers: Revolution Race GPx Pro
Socks: Armaskin anti blister socks & Merino wool socks.
Cooking: JetBoil Flash
Water Purification: Sawyer Mini
Water Bottle: Nalgene 1l.
Spot Tracker / Emergency Assistance
UcoGear Candle
Mosquito Repellent
Other Items:
Sit Mat, Wash Kit*, Trash Bag, Head Lamp, Camera gear, Jerky, Cup-a-soups, nuts, Spork, map, toilet roll, shovel, Possibles pouch** and sleeping clothes***
*Wash kit comprises of a cut down toothbrush, small tube of tooth paste, ‘Pits N Bits’ towel of wash and suntan lotion in small bottle.
**Possible Pouch: length of paracord, swiss knife, lighter, compass, headlamp batteries, sowing kit and a few other odds and sods.
*** Sleeping clothes are kept in a dry bag and can be used in an emergency these are a set of thermals.
Video: What I carry in my bag for a 3 – 4 day hike.
Please see equipment page for a more extensive list of equipment I use.
Please comment below on items that you carry and feedback is also appreciated.
Great help for me in planning my next trip, really informative articles, keep it up!!