Finally found the time to sit down and look at rebranding my Blog. Its been a couple of years I have now been writing this blog and a lot has changed since I started it.
This blog initially started of as a free hosted Wordpress blog and then I looked into creating a blog based around hammock camping (hence www.https://www.vildmark.co.uk).
Since thenI have realised that I needed to rebrand as the blog is including more than just hammock camping and with the increasing popularity and my growing experience in creating outdoor videos it was time to change all of my Social Media Accounts.
I came up with the idea of Vildmark from a trip we done as a family a few years ago in Sweden: Timber Rafting.
The company we done this trip with is called Vildmark I Varmland (meaning wilderness in Varmland and the Word Vildmark stuck.
So the blog has been changed to Vildmark.co.uk (the old domain https://www.vildmark.co.uk still points to the same blog and the youtube channel and instagram has also been changed to Vildmark.co.uk
So what’s been happening?
At lot has changed recently. I have seen a massive increase in followers on instagram to over 5100 and my YouTube subscribers are slowly increasing as I am learning how to create better content.
Currently I am acting as a Brand Ambassador for the following companies, helping to share their products to like minded people.
Finally I hope you enjoy watching my videos, reading my blog post and looking at my photos. Any feedback please comment below.