Packrafting. I think I can safely say now after 3 years packrafting, how owning a packraft can allow you to see the same routes from a different view. During the pandemic when we where limited to our local areas, packrafting for me really allowed me to visit the same areas from a completely different angle….
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Aqua Xtreme Packrafts and Kayaks. Widen your horizon!
Aqua Xtreme packrafts and kayaks. Time to welcome Aqua Xtreme to the group of companies that produce some fantastic gear to better your adventures, create new adventures and make you more comfortable in whatever you are doing in the outdoors.
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Bike Rafting with the Alpacka Caribou. Opening doors to adventure.
Opening doors to adventure by Bike Rafting with the Alpacka Caribou. Bike Rafting with the Alpacka Caribou! it’s what it was designed for. I’d never heard of this as an adventure and wasn’t to sure whether it was my thing. After giving it ago I can really see the advantages and it has also made…
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Alpacka Caribou Packraft opening doors to adventure.
I have been sent this Alpacka Caribou Packraft from Packraft Europe to test and review and I have become completely fixated and fell in love with it. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I don’t have any experience with these packable boats. After a couple of sessions paddling it I’ve realised just how many…
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