NO LONGER IN BUSINESS. The voyager 3 packraft by Adelie packrafts is a really well made, versatile and cost effective packraft. If your interested in taking up packrafting and not sure because of the large sums of money that the big producers are charging for the products then the range of packrafts by Adélie packrafts…
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Aqua Xtreme Alpha Packraft. Reviewing this great all round packraft.
I’ve paddled the Aqua Xtreme Alpha packraft for a few times now so felt it time to sit down and tell you guys what I think about it. Aqua Xtreme Alpha packraft The specifications for this packraft are fairly similar to the X1 packraft but there are a few small differences. Firstly this pack raft…
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Aqua Xtreme Packrafts and Kayaks. Widen your horizon!
Aqua Xtreme packrafts and kayaks. Time to welcome Aqua Xtreme to the group of companies that produce some fantastic gear to better your adventures, create new adventures and make you more comfortable in whatever you are doing in the outdoors.
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